Friday, January 26, 2007

Issue 2: Don't Worry

In our second issue, our clinicians (Dr. Garg and Anish) are joined by a new junior medical student (Ed). The trio encounter a comatosed patient.

Addressing Specific Issues:
Rather than directly state the issues present in our story, we thought we would list a series of points for our reading audience to consider and then allow them to form their own opinions:

1) Demeanor towards the patient

2) Physician nurse interactions

3) Breaking bad news to the family

4) Learning to do medical procedures

We'd be happy to answer any questions that might be brought up in a post.



Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion, I think this issue is a step up from the first one.

The first issue implicitly states the ethical issues, ultimately leaving the reader to interpret the story and build critical thinking skills. This is what I feel makes issue one particularly strong.

This second issue's strength lies in its depiction (or lack thereof) of the importance of compassion in the practice of medicine and treating all patients with integrity and respect.

On television, "medical dramas" often depict physicians with "God-like complexes" and most viewers find this entertaining, I myself being one of them. However, upon reading this issue and seeing Dr. Garg's actions of transferring duties to others that he should be responsible for, I was more perturbed than I would be when watching a "medical drama". With that said, I think you guys did an excellent job of bringing the issues closer to home.

In conclusion, a great issue.

P.S. Is it wrong that I laughed at some parts? ("Uh, that can't be good for him.")

Anonymous said...

Do these things really happen in a real medical setting? It seems quite extreme.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say that these things don't really happen, but it is sad but true that they do. That is why it is so thought provoking. Shying away from the family meeting may be a response because you are afraid, uncertain, uncomfortable, don't know what to say etc. but taking care of the family is as important as taking care of the patient.

Anonymous said...

Hey good job guys! The graphics are really cool and the ethical issues aren't so painfully obvious. The subtlety's great!

Looking forward to Issue 3!